August 2015-2016 Part Two: January Madness
August 2015-2016
Hi All!
We are back for Part two which goes from August 2015… well
to August. On the last post I left it at my works outing where it was the first
time I presented as female in front of work colleagues that I currently work
with and that it went so well.
Now is a great chance to go grab a coffee or preferable an
alcoholic beverage, a bag of Maltesers and sit back and I hope you enjoy as we
continue from my works outing.
I’m not a person to look in the mirror and think that I look
stunning but these pictures I look at and I think “Wow.” These pictures made me
start to question myself, throughout my time with my colleagues at the staff
night out I was like “This is so me.” I’ve never felt so in tune with my body
and so relaxed which I didn’t want it to end.
It was the next day where I was presenting as male the
dysphoria of how I was presenting hit me. I hated every minute of being who I
was brought in the world as, I hated wearing male clothes. I hated everything
about myself that I wasn’t female, and it hurt so much I had to run to the
toilet and I cried. Crying is something I’m not used to doing or feeling and I
haven’t cried in many years.
After a boring time entering the new year it was on the 3rd
January where I’ve had my first scare going out as female. During the day I
went shopping and bought loads of clothes and when I got back I couldn’t get
hold of anyone as I wanted to go out, unfortunately it set my dysphoria off in
a very bad way and aggressive way. I needed to get out so I decided to go for a
walk and that was down a pitch black canal. After walking about a mile I had no
issue apart from when I came off the cannel and in a dark street. Where about
twenty maybe thirty yards away a guy was running full pelt past me not sure how
he spotted me, but he slowed down and crossed the street and was walking towards
me. That was all I needed as I thought I would have to talk and at this stage which
I’ve not practised any voice training at all. Turned out he was a weirdo that
was just looking at me as I walked past him as if he wasn’t there, I proceeded onto
the main road probably about 10 yards when I looked back and he hadn’t moved
and still looking at me. I picked up the pace and looked back a few mins later
when he was following me, he saw me look and put his hand up to wave which I
ignored him and carried on. The road got busy and I didn’t see him after that.
What a close call.
These pictures are import mainly for blogging as it was when
I first got my DSLR Camera which is a Nikon D3300. I love this camera and it
has made the quality better… Can’t say for the pose here though. I do feel at
this time I was tired mentally and physically as I would have been at my job
for 4 months and working through Christmas and being ill, unfortunately it’s
hard to keep how you feel about yourself at bay.
10th January this has to be a massive step for me
as I went into work as female for the first, it was an extra shift and out of
hours so we weren’t open to customers so they wouldn’t see me. The shift went
extremely well and I enjoyed it, unfortunately it was hard as I had to lift
heavy objects I had help but still heavy work and with the wig being thick I
was soon burning up and sweating so I had to remove beanie so I could cool down.
The night didn’t end there after finishing the shift I went home got changed retouched
my makeup and went out for a random drive with one of my friends. During the
journey I needed to stop off at a motorway service at Sandbach in Cheshire for
the loo, where I went into the female toilet did my business and fixed my
makeup. A women looked at me funny where I didn’t care and did my makeup
anyway. I think it was down to me having a full bag of makeup on the side that
got her, I don’t think she clocked me as being male though.
Left: In the town
centre alone and scared…ish
Middle: On the bus
Right: with my bestie
while she’s trying to cover a spot… Sorry Vicky
I decided to wear light makeup which for me was;
… Foundation
…eye shadow
…mascara (because no women should be without)
…touched up my browns (just not very good)
I wore my long leather jacket from New Look, over the knee
boots from River Island, tights to dress down the boots and I think it was a
black dress or a red dress from New Look. Even then I still felt over dressed
and uncomfortable. This was also the first time I wore my new wig.
January was a busy month so I’ve decided to leave it there
as right now if you have come this far you have read over 1000 words which
include numbers. January was not just about what I did, but also social
networking. Just after I went out for the works night out I started talking to plus
a few others. My popularity in group soon started to rise and I was chatting to
more and more people, mainly in January, I was being invited to more Trans*
groups but I quickly learned that the Trans* community wasn’t all that friendly
and in stayed in clicks. It opened my eyes and soon learned the type of people
I didn’t want to associate with.
I really didn’t think that one month would take up a whole
post but this is something I can’t plan and will back track on the next one
about the people that I spoke with, my decision to transition and joining the
Trans* Community plus much more to come.
Thanks for reading
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