Freedom of Speech - My Take On JK Rowling's Gender Saga
JK Rowling
Hi everyone!
For months I have been asked about my take on the whole JK Rowling saga! Even now it's more than ever. With constant news happening and it is getting bigger on the news between the trans community and JK Rowling, the press, the vloggers and the bloggers have lapped it up. Also if Jk Rowling comes to read this post which is highly unlikely… Errr hi and if you want to sue me for expressing my 'freedom of speech' and giving my opinion on this issue, I’m pretty broke.
People have been asking me, why have I not released anything sooner? In fact, I wrote 5 different blog posts, and in total over 20,000 words have been written. The issue is I’ve had with these posts is every time I wrote something I would have a break and I would just stumble onto something or news would break and would make what I wrote irrelevant to how I felt. Before the 3000 word essay, she wrote about how it all started. I never cared at all and honestly just laughed at her, just as I would with anyone else. So yeah I was aware of it right from the start however I never gave a crap. I’m not a Harry Potter fan, I liked the first book and film when I was a kid but that was it.
Unfortunately, I have what most trans people would consider a very unpopular opinion and I know that transgender people will never be understood fully and there will be some people that never will accept us for who we are. For this to change you need people that are wanting to learn and change, you need the right people that can and will be able to educate people on the matter, unfortunately, for some people that have a brain the size of a nut will never happen. As stated before JK Rowling was someone that I never care about, so when JK Rowling showed her backing of Maya Forstater I laughed! When the whole issue rose with Magdalen Berns came about. I still didn’t care, and I still laughed at JK Rowling.
I would advise reading JK Rowling's Post if you haven't already and hopefully get a more balanced and fair opinion (link)
My Thoughts
Okay so I’ve mentioned two names already and I believe that is how it starts in JK’s essay. When I try and write anything I always try to make it as balanced as I can from both sides, this is the sixth attempt at writing this post and every time I have to take a break and just log into Twitter, Facebook, and basic web stuff and I would just come across either new news that has broken with JK Rowling or come across something I have missed and made the posts I did irrelevant in a matter of minutes.
So I will start with breaking down the 5 reasons behind JK Rowling is speaking out against new trans activism;
Point one:- JK has a “charitable trust that focuses on deprivation in Scotland, with a particular emphasis on women and children.” This supports female prisoners, survivors of females of domestic abuse, and went on to funding for MS. She says about trans people are trying to replace sex with gender also.
This has no bearing to really speak out to me. The prison I’m guessing to referring to is trans sexual assaults in women’s prisons by trans MTF. There is so much of this flying about online but it's rare that people post any facts at all or official figures to prove how many cases of sexual assaults by trans people on natal women. Trans females (MTF) in female prisons are very rare and as for assaults I’ve only heard of one a trans person when called Karen White who is trans and sexually assaulted women, Karen also raped two other women before she went into jail. (Karen White link The Guardian paper Link)
I am going to be realistic here and for every community, there will be some bad people. There is nothing we can do about it, I would like to say that Karen White will never represent me as a trans person. I don’t talk about trans politics much and on most of my social platforms and on here my blog I try not to talk about politics. I will with this issue on this post, I do feel that if a trans person has been given the chance to go to their prison sex/gender of choice then they should be given benefit of the doubt but should be presenting full time as who they are and on the pathway to transition. If the trans person like Karen, for example, carries on with what they are doing inside the prison walls then those rights should be stripped, why should Karen be safe but is a danger to others. Nothing will change my mind on that, no matter how much hate I get from the trans community.
Trans people are just as susceptible to abuse in a prison, or even out and about just like anyone else so point one to me is invalid!
POINT TWO:- JK Rowling says she is an ex-teacher and a founder of a children’s charity so regarding education and safeguarding. JK Rowling is concerned about the trans movement that affects them.
Since reading the essay... Well, JK Rowling from what I have read from your essay alone I’m afraid to say you’re not educated enough with trans issues and are not in a position to try and educate others on an issue you have little experience of. Saying you’re a founder of a children’s charity then thinking you can talk about trans people and trans kids to me is like a person saying I have a gay best friend so I know and can talk about trans people and trans kids. Like wow, you said you’re against the GRC that was going to be debated in the commons but got that wrong epically! More on that shortly. So point two to me is invalid!
Point 3:- JK Rowling is interested in Freedom of Speech!
This made me laugh, like a lot! If that is the case why threaten to sue Nicola Spurling because of her tweet saying that JK Rowling is a danger to kids? Or I believe another case was with a website called The Day which is a website for news but for kids. I believe this was calling JK Rowling transphobic. Another one which came after this was Stephen King that expressed freedom of speech and JK Rowling deleted a tweet she has put up about him (more on that further down)... How pathetic can you get!
So three instances where freedom of speech was shown and funnily they were silenced. It seems freedom of speech is something JK is fine with until it is about her or against what she believes… Or as some might say the truth hurts? How you as the reader want to interpret this is completely up to you!
So Point three to me is invalid!
Point 4:- This is the point that very personal to JK Rowling which is about young women that want to transition and how much detranstioning is on the rise. JK Rowling said about how women are transition because they were attracted to the same sex and some, were partly driven through homophobia either in society or in families. This part does go on and on to which JK Rowling was saying to has met with young trans people and they were “adorable”
Okay so yes I not posted the whole point here because it is way too long and really has no relevant information and on YouTube, and blogs etc not many people talk that much about this point apart from this bit, and is the main one for me and many is:- “A man who intends to have no surgery and take no hormones may now secure himself a Gender Recognition Certificate and be a woman in the sight of the law. Many people aren’t aware of this.”
This is extremely wrong and where I paused! I had to reread this multiple times, as this is here is someone that is talking about how trans activism is dangerous and about education. And this is not dangerous? This is extremely dangerous as this is nothing more than an opinion that is put as a fact. The GRC (Gender Recognition Certificate) is so easy to find and I will post a link to this which is by the government on the government (UK) website and is so easy to find (this law changing). JK Rowling is completely wrong on this statement and with it being so easy to find and with the Multiple trans people she has spoken to and has read stuff by gender specialist, blogs, etc. This does make me think if JK has actually spoken too or read at all or has JK Rowling spoken to them about the point she believes in. The issue here is JK Rowling has 14.5 million twitter followers, excluding other platforms and there will be people that will not look into this and believe everything in what JK is saying. This little statement for me is the most dangerous part of this whole bs essay. So yet again a massive false fact makes point 2 even more and extremely irrelevant as JK Rowling has failed to show she is educated enough but also makes point four to me invalid!
Link to the UK Government website for the GRC (This includes Scotland) Link here
Point five:- JK Rowling talks about being in a domestic abuse survivor which in The Sun's newspaper her Ex-Husband strongly denies but yet did strike her… That is abuse in my books and I do believe JK Rowling about being in a domestic abusive relationship.
JK Rowling said “as I’ve said, gender confirmation certificates may now be granted without any need for surgery or hormones – then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is a simple truth.”
I’ve never used changing rooms from the swimming pool or gym etc, with the changing rooms at my gym I use the disabled. I have only used female toilets to which I have only ever been to use the facilities such as; wash my hands and the odd time to fix my hair and makeup. A statement like this is adding to the many things wrongs about this essay. I covered about bathrooms way back in 2015 when I interviewed Brae Carnes when there was a bathroom issue in Canada and I looked at UK law and I’ve not heard anything different since with the laws and that was where I could not find any laws to state who can use who’s facilities with government or council-owned facilities, so a male could walk into a female toilet and use it. With private facilities, it is up to whoever owns that property, feel free to comment if this has changed with links to a government webpage. As for the GRC you have to have a diagnosis and two letters and live as their preferred gender for 2 years and the rest of your life. So yet again JK you are wrong. To add with the bathroom a trans person is refused entry people will use some kind of human rights is breached but I can't say I know too much on that front.
I would like to say apart from sport such as Boxing, MMA, etc I am against any form of violence away from the sport. No trans person or an ally of a trans person should not be threatening JK Rowling or anyone's life, or to do any kind of harm in fact! It really is barbaric and disgusting and if anyone disagrees with me that is on my friend's list or followers etc please feel free to unfriend or unfollow me! These people do not and will never represent me! I do not associate myself with people that will use violence and if I find anyone I do associate with that feels violence is necessary I will happily cut ties with them. There is no place for it, not now, not ever!
From my knowledge and others, JK Rowling was not in a domestic abusive relationship with a trans person, this was a natal male. I have seen loads of domestic abuse cases that have mainly been male in the media but that does not mean that females are innocent and some have been known to abuse their male partners. I’ve read in The Guardian that Purity a charity for men and women stated that over 40% of men are abused by their female partners but are ignored by the police and media. So yet again point five to me is is invalid!
Link to The Guardian's article (Click here)
Conclusion and Today!
Okay, so I have picked what I feel is key information and what stands out to me from this essay as there is more. Getting the facts wrong about the GRC is pretty much what stands out from the rest. I linked the page to the essay just before talking about her 5 points. I would like you to read what has been written before you just use this post as gospel. You never know you could disagree with me.
I am glad I didn’t post what I wrote the other 5 times as every time I did, I would come across something without even going looking for it, or JK Rowling would start trending or a topic JK Rowling is apart would start to trend-making what I wrote what I think was balanced I would be invalid, I’m guessing many trans people would be asking why am I trying to be balanced. You see there are two sides to a story and I feel with Jk Rowling’s essay it is not balanced, I do feel it is manipulative also. I said it lacks facts, lacks links to look at where she found some of the information. Some of these I would love to know where JK Rowling got her information about the GRC laws to be so wrong when it is so easy and the first link when I googled searched.
She mentions she has a friend that transitioned and how much time it took yeah it takes a long time and in COVID times it’s now even longer! More and more people are being referred to Gender Identity Clinics and more people are transition which is true but there are many reasons and many different courses for treatment. Not all trans people want the operation, as for starting HRT I could not comment. I’m currently transitioning and on HRT which I fought for and I have been on the waiting list for 30 months for my first appointment, because of COVID this could have added an extra 6/7 months wait for my first appointment. After my first appointment, I will have to wait an additional 16-18 months for my second appointment then another 14-16 month for the third and final appointment which will be different as I am already on HRT.
I have spoken to parents that have trans children who follow me on my main social media platforms and I will admit as much as my knowledge on this is small I will be making it my mission to find out in the near future and I plan to ask if I can visit my little warriors and find out what they are going through and to get as much information as I can. I want to know what they are going through and how they are coping on the waiting lists, school, etc, and what course of action they will be going through at their young age. Tavistock is not just the only GIC for children, Leeds where I will be going is another clinic is for children I believe and the waiting time is 3 years (feedback from a parent) one posted that their child gets bullied at school. All we got from JK was they are “adorable” or some other form of negativity about reasons that are even smaller than what I have spoken about, oh, and about something at Tavistock, what about focusing on what the child goes through mentally?
Some reasons and a lot more common than what was in the essay are:
Some trans people detransition because of waiting times, like mine it is very long and the process is very long without COVID. For myself and others to be so close like 6 months for me then for it to be a year (in April). Another reason for trans people that may detransition is transphobic abuse that is given to them via family, friends (so-called) the public! I know of 10 people that have been assaulted because they’re trans, around the world trans people are murdered and some in horrific ways. Another reason is discrimination! I have been discriminated in two jobs and also by the NHS in 2016. Some trans people will lose so much because they’re transitioning so they will detransition so they will not lose family and children to name a few. There are so many reasons to this which JK failed to mention.
I’ve debated with other trans people and I kept saying, 'Do I really think JK Rowling is transphobic?' I have spoken to others and have said I feel this essay is to mask her insecurities about trans people and I still feel that way but since the essay, it has made me re-think a little and think it's more to it?
It has made me re-think about is Jk Rowling really a danger to children?
As time has gone on and after last week I feel JK Rowling is transphobic after backing a website called “Wild Womyn Workshop” which has offensive badges aimed at trans people, which goes against were in JK’s Essay saying she wants trans people wanting to be safe. There are children that are trans and I feel if you are willing to promote websites like these who are against trans people, according to my freedom of speech which JK is here to speak up for I feel from the essay and the evidence I’ve come across the answer is yes I feel JK Rowling is a danger not just to children but trans people overall and more. Not stating a fact but my “freedom of speech” on a concerning matter. The backing of this website really is the icing on the cake for me.
Links to Wild Womyn Workshop: Badge link, Gender Critical link, website home link
JK Rowling wrote a thank you tweet to Stephen King when in the comments he was challenged about trans people and Stephen King responded to “Trans women are women” JK Rowling deleted her tweet, reported to have unfollowed him. I’m not someone that waves the transphobic card around as it is waved around too much and I feel on things that are not really transphobic but I feel this is a big sign of being transphobic right there.
The Book. Okay, I will admit I can't say too much on this topic I just know I will probably get questioned on it at the point of writing this blog post as to why I haven't said anything about it. The name (Robert Galbraith) has been pointed out to me and what the name represents (apparently), not that I have looked into it as of yet... You know with life and all. I know the book is about a murdering transvestite and this book is apart of a series. That bit itself doesn't bother me personally as it is not new to where a character of a book/film that dresses as a woman that has killed others! You have Phycho, Dressed To Kill, Silence of the Lambs, etc. Yes, I will probably get backlash myself for this part. I get it with the saga going on with JK Rowling and the trans community and can see the overall picture there, at this time right now I see it in bad taste and will add more hate towards her and what she want's to accomplish. What I do not understand is the name and why can't it just be JK Rowling? Why a male name when JK Rowling is speaking out against gender identity and sex? With an already established name, I just don't get it? I know this is probably not a new thing as you can tell I'm not an author. Loads of questions to ask on this alone with maybe loads of people reading this shouting their reasons at the screen and calling me names!
Waterstones |
To end this I can say that this whole saga is just well... it’s really is stupid and also just fucking pathetic. People will defend their rights for freedom and this goes for anyone and any community! This whole dilemma makes no sense at all, as said facts are wrong and half of the people that are against trans people have never met a trans person. There are so many facts that are inaccurate and I feel are biased from JK Rowling's side. Some trans people and allies think it is good to send threats, which is really is not. I think would be unfair to attack the fans of JK Rowling saying they stand with her because I defiantly think some have jumped on board with how she thinks more than they like her books but also I have harry potter fans that are fully accepting of trans people. I feel there are trolls also on both sides. Personally, I feel JK Rowling needs to meet more trans kids and people like myself and meet with them with an open mind rather than having an agenda. As from what I have read I feel if she met with trans people they were for specific reasons rather than a whole if that makes sense. With the GRC law, this has been a disaster for her, as a real shit show. There are facts here that are untrue and links have been provided.
For people that are not in the loop of what has gone on (click here) for the timeline. I would like to say if JK Rowling does come across blog post and reads it and feels differently, or just wants to chat about it all, I would like to invite her to meet with me or have a chat with me personally and we can discuss this one on one over a coffee or some wine whichever JK Rowling prefers and I will happily travel (when local lockdowns have been lifted and safe to do so). I would like to say I am not a trans activist at all, I try to have an open mind and balanced views, and again do not believe in violence so this would be in safe company. (following the COVID guidelines of course)
Thank you for reading as this is a very long post and see you again soon!
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