Maintenance And News
Hey guys!
It's been a while since I've posted, and some might be thinking what about the London and Scotland trip that I've not posted about yet? The reason for this is because it is too long to write as one post and have to do as parts. In previous post where I've had to split topics into parts life has got in the way and they've been delayed or not been completed. So I've decided to write everything up before I post them. Right now I've got 6 completed posts for the London - Scotland trip... The 6 are only for London.
Also I want to give my blog a new look and completely redo all the coding before I post my London - Scotland post. Hopefully this will be done very soon hopefully by the end of the week. Some of you might experience my blog change while you browse through other posts. Don't worry I'm just messing around with the coding to what does/doesn't work and will be reverted back to it original settings within a matter of seconds.
Thanks for all your support, please bare with me on this as I can wait till it is all done and ready.
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