Spotlight Syndrome
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Hey all, hope you’re all alright?
It’s been a long long time since I covered an issue so this
issue is about something I and I know many others suffer from and this post is
about ‘Spotlight Syndrome’.
The spotlight effect is the phenomenon in which people tend
to believe they are being noticed more than they really are. Being that one is
constantly in the centre of one's own world, an accurate evaluation of how much
one is noticed by others has shown to be uncommon.
You don’t have to be transgender to feel this also. I suffer
from this loads and it’s probably one of the worst feeling in the world also,
because you feel the whole world is looking at you, laughing at you. It’s just
so uncomfortable, but the only way to get past this is to be out more and more.
My trip to London is a step towards irradiating this from my
mind and be able to… Well be me and not give a damn about what people do. I generally don’t care what people think it’s
just down to I can’t be arsed having to listen bitch to me about what I’m doing
is against god’s will (I’m not religious but don’t class myself as an atheist) or
its wrong etc. Getting into confrontations is just too much effort and a great
way to maybe ruin a good pair of shoes and bags.
It’s horrible but I know the more you be yourself the better
and easier it gets, I will not give up and nor should any other you, believe in
yourself and keep living.
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