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Two genders Two Tails

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One Year On

By 23:36 , , , , , , , , , ,

Hey everyone.

This is my first year anniversary of realising that I'm Bi-Gender and decided to take the big leap to learn and discover more about myself. Not only that on the 9th April 2014 was not just the day I decided to take the leap I also came out to a very close co-worker. Which not only went positive but within a month all my store knew about it and the results was positive, which only gave me the strength to do more, learn more and able to push myself more than I ever have in my life.

First 12 months in a nutshell;

  1. Came out to my first person
  2. Came out to brother
  3. Came out to father
  4. Came out to a close friend
  5. Presented female for the first time to that close friend and went out (all the above within my first month)
  6. Went out on my own as female (okay it was early hours of the morning)
  7. Went out in public for the first time (Blackpool)
  8. Came out at my new work place to the Managing Director of my new work place (Complete acceptance)
  9. Came out on Facebook
  10. Presented as female and meet up with a massive group of friends at the pub round the corner from where I lived.
  11. Presented female at my closest friends house
  12. Stopped two idiots from discriminating me 
  13. Most if not all my work place know and had mainly support.

I admit I do go on about it too many times especially Blackpool, but I have to be honest I'm proud of my achievements and how many I've done in such a short time. It makes me feel so lucky that I have been able to do what I have as I know friends around the world that hasn't been able to, due to where they live. Which has been due to their background, where they live and religious issues etc. It makes me feel so happy that I've had the support and was able to over come two people that bullied to me.

My only big thing to face me is going out during the day as female. I can't just be shying away from buying clothes, make-up and other things online. 


From my first picture to now loads if not everything has changed, and to be honest I think for the better. 

Changes in my face
(left the oldest to right the latest)

Changes on a whole (Attire);

 One of the first pictures (was my Bushido gear)
 Jeans, hoodie, snood (River Island), boots (New Look)
 Leather jacket, jeans and boots (under the jeans)
 Black skater dress and over the knee boots
 Dress Same as above with Knee boots (from JustFab)
 At Christmas before I went to the pub 
I played it safe Long sweater jeans and ankle boots (new look)
My last outing a couple of months ago outing was at night
Long parka coat, jeans and ankle boots

This was taken last week and seemed to be loved by my friends
 black Lace dress, tights and suede over the knee boots
(Boots from Pink boutique, you can find this style everywhere)

Overall I think I've changed for the better, and I'm sure I will achieve more and more. This year has been a dream as I managed to discover more about myself, about other people and how good people have been. From me now respecting my brother more as I'm sure if anyone knew me before this they will say I used to hate him and I think he knew also... yeah really I did. Now I respect him loads for the support hes has given and how he has changed from being a prick to a douche bag.
For all the people that has supported me...

Love you loads

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