Nick And Sarah
Hey all
This is a new blog, talks about my jorney, the ups and downs, my opinions on life, the odd post about what is going on in the trans world and much more.
About Nick and Sarah
In April of this year I realised that I was Bi-Gender. Bigender is about how you identity as both female and male and can switch in between which for me is triggered. Bi-Gender is under the transgender umbrella, and can happen any time. This can be triggered off by certain things, some I know some I don't. I'm the same person no matter what gender I look like apart from the masculine and feminine sides and pronouns such as miss, her etc. Also this doesn't affect my sexuality so I will always like women. I will be that crazy person that people keep telling me I am, and always talk about how good Versailles is, blasting heavy metal through my beats headphones, games, my blog. I have spoke about my female side to loads of people and the support has been awesome, which has mad me feel much better about who I am and on the road of fully accepting it. I don't expect every person want to understand or fully expect everyone to accept who I am, but all I ask is for courtesy shown to myself or my female side which is called Sarah. So if your out and about in the future who knows you might just bump into her. I don't ask for your respect as for me it has to be earned, just not to be discriminated against for being how I am. If you feel so against it please don't give me any abuse. Feel free to unfriend me or block me I don't mind nor well hold it against anyone that does. I am surrounded by amazing people that support me, and this has helped me all the way threw it. They know who they are and I feel so lucky to have you in my life. This person knows who she is by passing on the strength (Thank you) to me by coming out to her friends. (I wrote that as I came out on Facebook, message that to 60 people or 1 message to 700 people)
If you want to know anymore feel free to ask.
I've been open to people from the start. More open now as I know so much more and also experience more. It's an exciting journey as I get to explore more about myself and also achieve more and more and it make me think in a years time where will I be in the journey.
I feel that in such a small time I have achieved so so much.
First Month;
- Pretty much out to the whole of my work place (positive reaction from everybody and loads of questions that I manage to answer most)
- Came out to brother (He was very supportive, makes me feel so lucky to have him as my brother "I don't care if you're my brother or sister as long as you're in my life")
- Came out to my Dad. (he was also awesome about it and said it wouldn't alter how he thought about me)
- Came out to my best friend (well I class him as my best friend but he was just awesome about it and has been very awesome
- Resented as female to my best friend
- Took my first steps as female and went for a drive with my best friend
Was I ready?
For me one thing I have learnt is that it's never a good time to tell anyone. Everything I have achieved is because I made it happen, I created the opportunity. So was I ready? Hell no. For me their is no such thing as when are are you ready, no such thing as planning. Unfortunately it is very hard to know what the person you're are telling is thinking. When I told my brother I thought was going to be negative about it. It is about how you feel about it. I see this as a journey and there is this big brick wall that I need to climb in order to continue and if I can't climb it then I'm going to be in this same spot. It will only just frustrate me if I don't, once it's out of the way you've done, it is a case of building your confidence up, and if you have the support I have then the momentum of the support will carry you. Some of the stuff I've done has been without me thinking about it. I wasn't incredibly nervous about going into the ladies toilet, nor going into the arcade. I was more concerned of my image. Do I feel how I look? Will I get trouble by people?
I didn't get any a of those, but some man walk pasted me and might as well of felt my arse. I wasn't sure how to take as a compliment or the fact it pissed me off, as no matter which gender role I take women will always be my choice. It's just finding that women that I like and will they accept me for me.
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