Transgender Day of Visibility 2020
Thought I’d do a small post as a special date that is upon us is very close to my heart. This day is Tuesday 31st March! This is a big date on the Transgender Callander and is an annual event. This day is called Transgender Day of Visibility (TDoV), this is to celebrate and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people.
For me this is a very important day, it’s not just about being visible but the meaning behind why this date is so important. TDoV is showing the world where we have come from, around the world trans people are murdered for being who they are. In 2019, 331 trans people around the world were killed and writing this from the UK we're now unfortunately on the list! The year before that (2018) 369 trans people were killed. Some of the trans which was killed were set on fire, beheaded, mutilated and lynched.
In the UK alone over 41% of trans people will have been apart of discrimination in the last 12 months. I know of at least 12 people since I've been transitioning that have been battered on the street for being transgender.
I love this day as I see all over social media other trans people that have either come out to work colleagues, friends and family but presenting as the person they really are! I see people that are out and about when they normally remain behind close doors and never venture out. It’s a great feeling for me to watch others on their journey to achieve new goals and gain confidence.
Since being out as trans I’ve been discriminated in 2 jobs and also been sexually assaulted in one and in the same job I was bullied! So why should I be silent and not do anything?? Well... I can’t! To be honest. I stand proud to be who I am! I stand proud to all the accomplishments I have achieved, one of the things I am most proud of and at the same time, the most thankful for is the people I currently work with, all my friends and people via my social media. The support and love to which I have received as it has been crazy! When I’ve been down so many times, they have been there to help me back up.
This year TDoV is different because of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) the UK and many other countries are on lockdown. The world hasn’t stopped and neither should anyone else just because we are indoors. Isolation will not be stopping me and I intend to do what I always do! I will be looking over social media and hopefully, I will be seeing pictures of people celebrating the day.
Keep up the hope, keep being you and keep being visible.
Happy Transgender Day of Visibility!
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